CATIA V5 Knowledgeware Aufbaukurs (5KA)

Zielgruppe: | Fortgeschrittene Konstrukteure |
Voraussetzung: | Gute V5-Kenntnisse sowie gute Kenntnisse von Formeln und Parametern |
Lernziel: | Steuern und Prüfen von Konstruktionen mit Templates und Knowledge-Tools |
- Funktionalitäten des Knowledgeware Advisors zur Steuerung und Überprüfung einer Konstruktion
- Erzeugung von PowerCopys, User Definied Features und Einzelteil-/Baugruppen-Templates
- Verwendung von Baugruppen-Templates mit Standardgrößen
- Räumliche Muster
Detaillierte Kursinhalte anzeigen
5KA – Detaillierte Kursinhalte:
Knowledge Advisor Workbench Presentation,
Accessing the workbench,
User Interface,
Knowledge User Settings.
Creating Parameters, Formulas and Lists:
Creating User Parameters:
About Parameters,
Advantage of User Parameters,
Creating User Parameters,
Filtering Parameters,
Adding Set of Parameters,
Benefits of Publishing Parameters,
Publishing Parameter,
Using published Parameters.
Creating and Using Formulas:
About Formulas,
Creating a Formula,
Selecting Parameters in the Formula Editor,
Using Measure Functions in Formulas,
Using the Language Browser,
About the Equivalent Dimensions Feature,
About an External Parameter,
Benefits of Using External Parameters,
Referring to External Parameters in Formulas.
Creating Lists:
About Lists,
Creating a List,
About the Query Function,
Populating a List Using a Query.
Associating URLs to Parameters and Relations:
Adding URLs,
Searching URLs.
Creating Adaptive Behaviors
Creating Rules:
Adding Sets of Relations,About a Rule,Creating a Rule,Using the Rule Editor Interface,Creating Geometry using Rules,Creating Geometry from Rules,Handling Errors in Rules.
Creating Checks:
About Checks,
Benefits of Using Checks,
Creating Checks,
Analysing Checks,
Analyse the Impact of Modification of Rules and Checks.
Creating Reactions:
Benefits of Using Reactions,
Creating Reactions,
Analysing the impact of Reaction using Multivalue parameter,
Analysing the impact of Reaction using Singlevalue parameter,
Creating a Loop in a Reaction,
Analysing the impact of Reaction using List.
Creating Design Tables and Part Families:
Creating and Using Design Tables:
About a Design Table,
Benefits of Using Design Tables,
Creating a Design Table from Document Parameters,
Creating a Design Table with an Existing File,
Generating a File from a Design Table,
About Design Table Functions.
Creating a Part Family Catalog:
Creating a Part Family Catalog,
Resolving a Part Family.
Using Knowledge Advisor Tools:
Using the Knowledge Inspector Tool:
Using Knowledge Inspector: About the What if Mode,
Using Knowledge Inspector: About the How to Mode.
Using the Set of Equations Tool
Creating and Using Laws:
Creating a Knowledge Advisor Law,
Using a KWA Law for Parallel Curves Definition,
Combining KWA Laws and GSD Laws.
Knowledge Advisor Recap Exercises
Exercise: Design a Light Bulb:
Design Intent, Design Process, Create User Parameters and Formulas,
Crate a Ratio Rule,
Use the Knowledge Inspector Tool,
Create a Design Table,
Launch a Drawing Macro from a Rule,
Launch a Drawing Macro from a Reaction,
Create a Bulb Glass Family Catalog.
Exercise : Create a Sheet Metal Part:
Design Intent, Design Process, Create User Parameters,
Crate a Bend List,
Create a Cost Rule,
Create a Cost Check,
Add New Bends an Evaluate the New Cost.
Exercise: Design a Wheel Rim:
Design Intent, Design Process,
Rename Parameters,
Assign Formulas to Intrinsic Parameters,
Create and Use user Parameters in Formulas,
Create a Design Rule,
Create a Check on the Bolts Crown,
Create Design Tables,
Generate a Part Family,
Create a Reaction to Control the Wheel Rim Diameter.
Product Knowledge Template:
About Templates,
Examples of Templates,
Accessing the Workbench,
User Interface,
User Settings.
Creating and Using PowerCopies:
About a PowerCopy,
Creating a PowerCopy,
Process of PowerCopy Creation,
Additional Information.
About Saving a PowerCopy:
About Saving a PowerCopy,
Saving a About Saving a PowerCopy.
Instantiating a PowerCopy
Creating and Using User Defined Features:
About User Defined Features,
User Defined Features vs PowerCopies,
User Defined Features Benefits,
Creating a User Defined Features,
Process for IDF Creation,
Creating a User Defined Feature.
Instantiating a User Defined Feature:
Instantiating a UDF,
Do it Yourself,
UDF Instantiation Tips,
About Debugging a UDF,
Debugging a UDF.
Working with UDF Meta Inputs:
About Meta Inputs,
Defining Meta Inputs for UDFs,
Examples of Meta Inputs,
Selecting Meta Inputs during UDF instantiation.
Exercises: Create UDFs (Reactive Hole, Center Hole)
Creating and Using Part and Assembly Templates:
About a Part Template,
About an Assembly Template,
Document Templates vs PowerCopies,
Creating a Document Template,
Document Templates Creation Process,
Creating a Document Template.
Saving a Document Template
Saving Document Template in a Catalog
Instantiation a Document Template
Do it Yourself
Document Template Recap Exercises
Managing Standard Components:
Methodology Overview,
Knowledge Environment Settings,
About ARM Catalog,
Creating an ARM Catalog,
Choosing the Right Standard component.
Knowledge Pattern:
Using Knowledge Pattern,
Example of a Knowledge Pattern,
The Mechanism of Knowledge Pattern,
General Process - Knowledge Pattern – UDF Instantiation,
General Process - Knowledge Pattern - Datum Creation,
Creating a Knowledge Pattern,
Knowledge Pattern – Script Explanations,
Reusing a Knowledge Pattern,
Additional Information - Knowledge Pattern,
Do it Yourself - Knowledge Pattern.