ENOVIA 3DEXPERIENCE Project Management Fundamentals (EPF)

Zielgruppe: | Projektleiter, Projektmitglieder, Manager |
Voraussetzung: | Grundkenntnisse im Projektmanagement |
Lernziel: | Erzeugen, Steuern und Verwalten von Projekten mit 3DEXPERIENCE |
- Überblick über die Project Management App
- Programme und Projekte erzeugen und deren Status überwachen
- Projektmitglieder zuordnen
- Projektplanung mit Aufgaben und Abhäningkeiten durchführen und editieren
- Arbeiten mit dem Gantt-Chart
- Projektordner erzeugen und Zugriffsrechte festlegen
- Prozessabläufe erzeugen und überwachen
- Inhalte in Projektordnern ablegen
- Lebenszyklus von Dokumenten
- Subscriptions (Abonnements) für Objekte
- Programm- und Projektstatus abfragen
- Arbeiten mit der Microsoft Project Integration
Detaillierte Kursinhalte anzeigen
EPF - Detaillierte Kursbeschreibung:
Getting Started with Project Management:
Introduction to ENOVIA Projcet Management,
Terminology of the Project Management App,
Introduction to the Course Scenario,
Mapping ENOVIA Terms with the Course Scenario.
Creating Programs and Projects:
Creating Programs,
About Project Templates,
About Concept Projects,
Lifecycle of a Project,
Crating Projects,
Creating a Project by Cloning an existing Project Template,
Searching for Projects.
Creating a Schedula and Assigning Members:
Assigning Project Members to Projects,
Creating Project Tasks,
Copying Schedule,
Adding Schedule Task Dependencies,
About the Critical path of a Schedule Task,
Assigning Project Members to perform the Task,
Using the Schedule to edit the Task,
Viewing the Schedule Task,
About Deliveries,
Transffering Project Asignments.
Creating Experiments and Project Issues:
Creating Experiments,
Enabling Project Change Process,
Creating Project Issues,
Approving and Synchronizing Experiments.
Creating Folders and Defining Access Rights:
Creating and Organizing Project Folders,
About the Controlled Folders,
Updating Contents of Controlled Folders,
About Folders Access Rights,
Defining Access Rights for Folders,
Adding Documents and Attaching them to Folders,
Lifecycle of a Document,
Defining Access Rights for Documents,
About Subscritpions.
Creating Routes and Completing the Tasks:
Creating Routes,
Creating Routes Templates,
Defining Access Rights to Routes,
Completing the Route Task,
Monitoring the Status of Programs and Projects:
Viewing the Projects Summary Report,
Viewing the Project Status Report,
Viewing the Status of Tasks,
Viewing Dashboards,
Using the Gantt Chart Viewer.
Using Microsoft Project Integration:
About Microsoft Project Integration,
Microsoft Project Integration Modes,
Connecting to Microsoft Project,
Viewing an Exisiting Project,
Searching for Projects,
Uploading the Project Data to Microsoft Project,
Validating Resources,
Reloading Data in Microsoft Project,
Saving Data in Microsoft Project.